squares 1~5

squares 1~5

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Seurat's [the Model] 1

Unlike Cezanne's [Bathers], each nude is independently structured.
Besides the nude in the middle is centered: the composition is very classical.
The cotour of the body seems to be uniquely smooth with a succesion of the same curve: the circle-arc model confirms it.

     Seurat [the Model]  circle-arc model
The dark pink arcs are dominant with a few purple arcs.

I found the study for this painting online recently.
The appearance of the body is very similar though the proportion is different .

     Seurat  study for [the Model]

The circle-arc model can be made without the purple circles.

     Seurat study for [the Model]

The model has not only pivots (intersection of circles) but also lined up units
I find the same techniqus in the classical nudes.
[The Model] reached the same high quality as the classical art.

Cezanne's painting became the forerunner of modern art because he did not care about content.
His [Bathers ] are immediately understood by those who could sense the formal structure.